
StudyGo for teachers

Prepare study sets for your class or kickstart your lesson with an interactive quiz. Whatever subject you teach, StudyGo will enrich your lessons.

Loved by teachers and students


236 reviews
  • Theodora de Vries, The Netherlands

    “I use StudyGo to create study sets for my students. It is very easy to share them in groups so my students can practise autonomously.”

  • Gabriel Dumas, France

    “Since my students started using StudyGo to practise their French vocabulary, their grades have become so much better. Especially with the new learning method ‘Learn’, they quickly learn the words and pronunciation. Very efficient!”

  • Francisca Díaz Martínez, Spain

    “It is nice that you can practise words with different study modes, such as Multiple Choice, Dictation, Hints, Flashcards and Spelling.”

Track your students’ progress with groups

Set study sets or quizzes as homework for your students with groups. Invite your students so you can easily keep track of their progress and results.

Enrich your lessons with quizzes

Get your students involved in the course materials and make the learning process fun and exciting. Test your students on anything with quizzes.

Spice up your lessons with StudyGo Live

Looking for a way to motivate your students? Create a game out of any study set or quiz and let your students compete for a place on the podium.

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