
StudyGo Live

StudyGo Live is a fun game to do in the classroom. Get your students involved in the course materials and make the learning process fun and engaging.

Get your students engaged with any course material

Choose a study set or quiz on StudyGo. Click the Play in Class button, and StudyGo will create a game out of any exercise. Invite your students via the participation code and let the battle begin!

Compete for a spot on the podium

Your students stay motivated throughout the whole battle. Compete for the fastest correct answer, a spot on the podium or special achievements.

Detailed reporting

At the end of the quiz, we generate a detailed report that shows which questions students had difficulty with. Dive deeper into the answer to see exactly what each student answered per question.

Try StudyGo Live

StudyGo Live

StudyGo Live is available for all subjects and for everyone with the free teachers account.