
Choose the package that works for you

You can try Plus free of charge for 7 days. During this trial period, you can cancel at any time free of charge.

Practise for free
Unlimited study set practice
Unlimited quiz practice
Multiple choice study mode
In your mind study mode
Count wrong answers as correct
Repeat questions multiple times
Skip questions
Mixed practice
Most popular
Additional rehearsal options
Unlimited study set practice
Unlimited quiz practice
Multiple choice study mode
In your mind study mode
Count wrong answers as correct
Repeat questions multiple times
Skip questions
Mixed practice
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Free of ads

Focus entirely on learning without distracting advertisements.

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Unlimited practice

Practise your study sets as often as you want so you can be well prepared for your test.

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7-day free trial

Try Plus free of charge for 7 days. During this trial period, you can cancel at any time.

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