
About StudyGo

On StudyGo, you can create study sets and quizzes. We offer a variety of study modes to prepare you for your exams.

Mission StudyGo

Every child needs education. To understand what is being taught in school, children need to do their homework. We believe that time after school is also very important for children to develop in sports, music and on a social level. StudyGo offers children the opportunity to do their homework efficiently. This way, every child has time to develop themselves.

StudyGo’s origins

StudyGo is our international platform for WRTS, originally from The Netherlands and Belgium. Here, WRTS is used by 1,000,000 students and 10,000 teachers. In 2005, WRTS was the first online platform where you could easily learn vocabulary online. Today, thousands of children and teachers prefer WRTS to other online learning platforms.