
Learning vocabulary with StudyGo

With StudyGo, you can practise the vocabulary of any language easily and for free. Create your own study sets or use exercises from your friends.

Make your own study set or use your friends’

With StudyGo, you can learn anything you want by making your own study sets. Or use sets your classmates or teachers made and then practise, practise, practise!

Choose your study mode

With our different study modes, you can practise vocabulary of any language extensively. This makes learning not only more varied, but it also ensures that you will remember everything better.

Test yourself on ‘Spelling’, practise with ‘Dictation’, ‘Hints’ or go straight to the ‘Test’. Dive even deeper with ‘Multiple Choice’ and ‘In Your Mind’ (Flashcards)!

Get a head start with ‘Learn’

Practise your vocabulary step-by-step with our ‘Learn’ study mode. The better you’ve memorised a word, the more difficult the question becomes. Start with flashcards and finish with writing the correct answers. Learning in this constructive manner will help you memorise vocabulary better.

See what words you find difficult

Each time you practise, we keep track of the words you had difficulty with. These results are combined in a clear overview so you can easily continue practising with only the words you find the most challenging.

Practise wherever, whenever!

StudyGo is available on any device. Create an exercise on your laptop and practise it on your phone or tablet later on.

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Learning vocabulary and definitions on StudyGo is free for everyone. If you want to try out the other packages, there is always a 7 day free trial.